Shoemoney · Posted Aug 19 2007

See You In San Jose

I love the San Jose SES Conference. It was only 3 years ago that this was the first conference I attended and it changed my life. I am still putting together my cheat sheat and h...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 19 2007

Death of TV: Joel Comm’s Next Internet Millionaire

As you probably have heard Joel Comm tok a huge step into making the first internet reality show online! He wants to find the next entrepreneur he would like to joint venture with....
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 18 2007

wikipedia is wikidy wikidy wikidy whack!

Rand Fishkin demonstrates how to exploit Googles love for Wikipedia and knock someone you don’t like down a bit. I dig this new, GQ, not afraid to show he dabbles in the dark art...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 18 2007

Meeting Ken Shamrock And Houston Alexander

Went to Max Muscle today in Lincoln Nebraska where they had 2 UFC fighters – UFC hall of famer – Ken Shamrock and Omaha’s own Houston Alexander (who made Keith Jardine his bitch a...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 17 2007

A “Thank You” to all Copyblogger Readers

I’d like to take a moment to thank each and every one of you out there for reading Copyblogger. We’re just shy of 22,000 subscribers now, after starting the year with 10,000. The b...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 17 2007

Yes I rule

I accidentally dropped my entire blog sql (just meant to drop one table) about 5 mins ago and had to restore from last nights backup. Go me =( trying to do like 900000 things be...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 17 2007

The Next Internet Millionaire Episode 1

The first episode of The Next Internet Millionaire reality web show has been released. Hats off to Joel for putting this together. The quality is top notch. It takes a lot of ball...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 17 2007

Im A Drug Dealer EH

(sorry comments got deleted on this post) feel free to re comment So found out a couple nights ago that my neighbors across the street are telling other people in town that I am...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 17 2007

How my site traffic went from 37 monthly visits to 14,657 monthly unique visits

Today I have a great knowledgeable guest post for your weekend. This post is by Juuso owner of Game Producer and Business VooDoo. In his post below I like when Juuso discuss abo...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 17 2007

Building Your Mailing List with Downloads

A mailing list is the lifeblood of your online business. The old adage “the money is in the list” cannot be true enough – if you had a targeted list of prospects to contact each ti...