Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 21 2007

StumbleUpon Stumbled on a New Layout

There seems to be a lot of changing that is happening on the internet lately. Darren Rowse changed his layout of his blog, John Chow is going to do the same tomorrow, Brian Gardner...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 21 2007

Intro to My Blog Affiliate System: Video

I have been receiving emails about my affiliate system. It seems bloggers or affiliate marketers are hesitant to join because its either its hard to understand. Well I decided to d...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 20 2007

Landing Page Makeover Clinic #4: Last10Pounds.com

Today’s makeover is for Victor Holtreman’s ebook, The Last 10 Pounds. He’s sold 1,000 copies at $12.95 each, but conversion lately has been lacking at just .87%. He’s looking to po...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 20 2007

Monday Morning Link Karma

Why you don’t need Google. Expect to hear more and more about this. Is blogging a good way to make money? From advertising, generally no. Expect to hear more and more about this....

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 20 2007

Making Money On the Web is Easy, Making it Last Isn’t

this guest post was removed after it was found pretty much word for word in a book =(. I dunno why guest posters think they can do that and nobody will notice =(

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 20 2007

Taking Risks And Making Money

This is a guest post by Ryan Stewart No matter what anyone says, online business is not about the keywords, tags, web 2.0, products, or user generated content. It’s not about...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 20 2007

Good News And Bad News

So when I got to the Lincoln airport the flight was delayed like 1 hour…. so we finally took off and I landed in Denver leaving me about 15 mins to make my connection. Shoemoney A....

Jason Akatiff · Posted Aug 20 2007

How To make a Script to check your Affiliate Landing Page is UP!!!!

It’s midnight on Tuesday and all of a sudden the offer you were promoting isn’t working anymore! Have you ever had this happen to you? There’s nothing worse then paying for click...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 19 2007

A Call to Action Worthy of Response

I’m happy to announce Copyblogger’s participation in Blog Action Day, an initiative dreamed up by Leo, Collis and Cyan Ta’eed. Here’s the scoop: The goal is to bring the blogging...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 19 2007

Google Maps Now Has User Feedback

I dunno when they started with this but today I was search for my favorite local place to eat and I got this: I left them a rating and a review of course Which you can se...
