Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 24 2007

What Do you Blog For? I Blog for….

I received an email from Kirenia author of a blog called What I Blog For. She has sent me an email asking what her blog is about: “what I blog for.” Here is the main question asked...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 23 2007

What Facebook Can Teach You About Effective Blog Marketing

Facebook has been all the rage these days since the site opened its doors to the masses and experienced a steep growth spurt. It’s an interesting place to watch no matter what, but...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 23 2007

Text Link Ads, Are they Worth the Purchase?

In the world of blogging, publishers want to purchase some of your blog space for traffic and more exposure. Well I just recently purchased 2 Text Link Ads from 2 popular blogs – h...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 23 2007

Using Private Label Rights the RIGHT way for Blogging!

Someone emailed me about my content asking it was duplicated among multiple sites. He asked if it was my content and or if I have taken it off another website without crediting. Wh...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 22 2007

If Your Blog Disappeared, Who Would Miss It?

In my time working with churches, mainly in the area of marketing/design, one phrase has always stood out to me as particularly inspiring. If your church disappeared from the neigh...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 22 2007

Are Paid Links Evil?

Yesterday there was a panel for the ages. The title was something like “Are Paid Links Evil?” and it was STANDING ROOM ONLY. The panel consisted of Matt Cutts, Michael Gray, To...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 22 2007

John Chow Received a FaceLift: Pros and Cons

John Chow recently changed his layout. Is this to keep up with Darren Rowse or is it to digress away from John Cow and other copy catters of his old blog style? In retrospect, I li...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 22 2007

Always Test Before Launching a Product

I am releasing a wordpress plugin on my birthday (cross fingers) which is less than a month away! This plugin will revolutionize the email marketing blogging world, but before I ge...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 21 2007

How to Get 6,312 Subscribers to Your Business Blog in One Day

Remember the ecommerce commercial that showed a small group hovering around a computer as they launched their new website? They cheered when the first order notification came throu...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 21 2007

Making Money With Contextual Advertising – San Jose

I think the presentation went pretty good. This is the 3rd time I have done this session. I think the only thing harder then doing it the first time is doing the same session but...
