Shoemoney · Posted Aug 28 2007

Life Goals

I get some weird questions via email sometimes and today I got one that asked me what my life goals were… well it just so happens I recently had this conversation with my wife and...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 28 2007

Bodog Poker Website Ceased In Judgement

Earlier today the Bodog website ( went down. Many people thought it was just technical issues. A good friend inside Bodog pinged me and told me that the site was actuall...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 28 2007

The Worlds Oldest Affiliate Program

I LOVE talking to cab drivers in Las Vegas because they are always open and there is really nothing you can’t ask them that is off limits. The last time I was in Vegas I was chatt...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 28 2007

Best Forums for Online Money Makers

Reading one of my favorite forums, I saw a great post about using forums and what forums are good to use. Digital Point, is the forum where I got most of this information from and...
Jason Akatiff · Posted Aug 28 2007

Found a Great Design Patterns Book!

First off for those of you who know me at all, you know I’m a huge advocate of learning. I consistently have a bare minimum of 3 books stacked on my nightstand ( sometimes gatherin...
Copyblogger · Posted Aug 27 2007

The Persuasive Power of Specificity

Which one of these headlines works best? How to Get 6,312 Subscribers to Your Business Blog in One Day How to Get Over 6,000 Subscribers to Your Business Blog in One Day How...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 27 2007

Dmoz Editors – Come Out Come Out

So there is a lot of interesting discussion going on about me being yanked from the DMOZ. I am getting emails from people claiming to be DMOZ editors but posting stuff out of ther...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 27 2007

SES San Jose 2007 Recap

San Jose SES started off rough but was a really great time. Sunday Sunday I barely made my connection to San Jose but to my surprise on my flight was Chris Sherman and Loren...
Shoemoney · Posted Aug 27 2007

Mahalo Follow Firefox Extension

I got pinged by a friend this morning to check out Mahalo’s new Firefox extension called Mahalo Follow. Pretty interesting. I installed it and started cruising around the net. No...
Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 27 2007

The Next Internet Millionaire: Episode 2: Branding

I have just finished watching The Next Internet Millionaire. I thought this episode was far more superior than episode 1. With that said I have created a video review about this. I...