Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 04 2007

Being Unique with Creative Marketing

Recently I have been put on John Chow’s Blog. I had a video interview with John, where John was not participating in my questions but more interested in drinking and playing around...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 04 2007

FaceBook Advances: Widgets Plugins & Applications

Facebook has so many applications or widgets or plugins, you know those things that you can buy a round of beer for everyone including me! These plugins within FaceBook makes this...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 04 2007

Are You Selling Your Search Data For Pennies

When Google introduced AdSense for search (AFS) it allowed many web masters to have a new income source by giving all there search data over to Google. I was one of these webmaste...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 04 2007

New Design And New Features On ShoeMoney.com

First off if the blog looks totally jacked up hold down shift and hit f5 (refresh) So mid last week I went to unique blog designs (followed from john chow’s page) and I was real...

Copyblogger · Posted Sep 03 2007

Labor Day Link Karma

What’s more important when it comes to copy… style or substance? The 5-Step Backward Copywriting Shortcut. Darren delivers valuable advice with 10 Ways to Hurt Your Blog’s Bran...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 03 2007

FaceBook Advances: Properly Using the MarketPlace

I prefer to market on FaceBook because it isn’t overcrowded. There are limited items within the FaceBook MarketPlace. The best part about the marketplace is your item gets rota...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 03 2007

Answers For Questions 9/3/2007

raymond asks: Shoe I have seen a few people recently say they dont like how you post “off topic” how do you deal with that critisizm ShoeMoney: well this blog is my persona...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 02 2007

Installing A New Theme

This afternoon I am installing a new theme so things way look weird here You might need to shift-reload your web browser to see what we are doing. Update 1: I like your guys feed...

Jason Akatiff · Posted Sep 01 2007

How to Track Converting Keywords for your Affiliate Marketing advertising using PHP.

Do it yourself keyword conversion tracking I started to write this on http://www.wickedfire.com then figured I needed some new content this week. Have you ever wanted to find o...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 31 2007

How to Write a Social Media Press Release

It’s incredibly hard to get a social media community interested in a press release, and it’s not because they hate hearing about what your company is up to, it’s just that they hat...
