Shoemoney · Posted Dec 06 2007

Interview on Branding Importance

I did a quick off the cuff interview with Elmer Thomas about brand importance
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 05 2007

EntreCard Introduces EntreSpam

Last night I decided to go a head and join Entrecard. It is business card web 2.0 but in a poorly designed way. I was very curious as to what it can do for me and how it can benefi...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 05 2007

Free Sneak Peek at the Blog Mastermind Program

Yaro Starak is about to close the doors on his Blog Mastermind training program on December 10, so he’s offering a free look at one of the lessons in the course. As I mentioned whe...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 05 2007

Why Writing Like a College Student Will Kill You Online

When was the last time you curled up with a good book of college essays? Ever perused a great sales letter written in the style of an academic paper? The college (read: delibera...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 05 2007

Meeting ijustine from

So interesting ironic story… Got a email from my friend Steve Poland saying the famous internet video blogger ijustine from was going to be speaking at pubcon today. I...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 05 2007

db clay – Free Wallet Wednesday

db clay is a Portland, Oregon based company that creates unique wallets using an eco-friendly material they developed called Tope, made from non-toxic, raw materials. They create...
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 05 2007

The Secret is Out: Secret ClassRoom

If you have not already heard or have watched my video reviews about the Next Internet Millionaire, Joel Comm has come out with a sequel to his reality TV in a form of a product. I...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 05 2007

What Blogger Are You from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This is a guest post from Chanya I recently watched the movie “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.” Not the original film with Gene Wilder but the remake with Johnny Depp. After w...
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 05 2007

Interview: Alvin is Blogging Atomically

Blogging these days have become almost a sport. There are multiple participants in the field of blogging, trying to blog for money than as a hobby. I blog for money and as a hobby....
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 04 2007

Getting on CraigsList with Your Build a Niche Store

Ever since the guest post on ShoeMoney, I have been getting emails on how to get targeted traffic from Craigslist without being flagged or a deeper explanation. It seems there are...