Copyblogger · Posted Sep 12 2007

Check Yourself for These 7 Symptoms of the Copywriter’s Curse

Are you burdened by the copywriter’s curse? Many a copywriter is hindered with a trait that damages productivity and constrains our ultimate earning potential. We here at Copyblo...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 12 2007

Reasons Why NOT to FAKE your Feedburner Count

It is interesting to see how readers will just fake stats/numbers to get some traffic or subscribers. A blog that has trackbacked to me, gets a free unique visit from me. Why? I wa...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 12 2007

Techcrunch40 Conference

When Michael Arrington first announced the TechCrunch20 conference (now Techcrunch40) I thought it was pretty cool and I shot him a email saying if they had some extra press passes...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 12 2007

How Make Money On A Site With A Small Budget

Ken Causey asks: You have $100 to advertise your new blog, what do you do? and how to you make money with so little traffic so that you can keep the ball rolling? ShoeMoney...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 11 2007

Who Inspires Your Writing?

Another simple question… What gets you to the keyboard? Is there someone who you look up to or model? Perhaps someone you know personally motivates you to get up and write, or...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 11 2007

Bought New Camera for Video Blogging

Lately I have been experimenting with video blogging. I thought video blogging was done with a webcam, HA I was wrong, experts actually use digital cameras, mini dvs, camcorders, e...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 11 2007

ShoeMoney Media Is Hiring

We are looking for a project manager/personal assistant: The position is fulltime in Lincoln Nebraska. They will have a nicely furnished office. (I am moving operations out of my...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 11 2007

Million Dollar Wiki A Good Investment?

When I first heard of the Million Dollar Wiki I first thought of the milliondollarhomepage. You know the story some dude sold pixels and made money. Hell I even dropped $100 on it...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 11 2007

Evolution Of My Office(s) 2002 To Present

In my recent post about my current setup I alluded to possibly posting pictures of the evolution of my office(s) over the years. Well here it is. This is the first picture I can...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 10 2007

Interview: Its a Load of BullCrap says Mark Wielgus

When it comes to internet marketing and blogging, I tend to keep it realistic because why should I market false news and tactics? The ‘make money online’ niche is just very saturat...