Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 17 2007

BlogRush Did NOT Think About the Little Guys

Recently I posted about BlogRush and how it can provide you traffic. What came to my mind yesterday when I was doing some exercises in traffic/link exchanges was it really does not...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 17 2007

R. Kelley is Trapped in Shoe’s Closet and Forced to Answer Questions

Hey everyone. For my first guest-post, Shoe called upon me to answer some of the questions you asked me last week. Thanks for all of the queries! I’m not as interesting as Dillsmac...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 17 2007

Uh Oh Uh Oh Here Comes The Hammer – TechCrunch40 Coverage

I can cross another one of life goals off today! I met MC Hammer. Hammer was in the pit talking about his new site dancejam.com Dance Jam (not publicly available yet) is k...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 17 2007

Test Driving Experience: The C Drive 2008

This past Saturday I test drove the Mercedes 2008 C 350 and 300. It was located in Morristown, NJ at the FTC Private Terminal. It was a windy chilly day but I was also stuck in tra...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 17 2007

Forums Service Tasks Completed – Watching ROI

Over the weekend my forums services were completed. Now I am waiting to see if any of my stats has changes. I am looking for my page rank to change since most of the directories we...

Jason Akatiff · Posted Sep 17 2007

How do I pick and Affiliate Offer to run?

Ubaidabcd from http://www.wickedfire.com forums wrote saying he was having some issues finding offers that worked on the affiliate networks. I started to respond on wickedfire then...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 16 2007

Technorati Topics Could Kickass

Last week Technorati introduced Technorati Topics. Its pretty cool scrolling “live” kind of pulse of the blogoshere if you will. Check out the page for technology here. Technora...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 16 2007

How To Get 45k Impressions A Day From Blogrush

I talked to John Reese the owner of Blog Rush last night and he said based on my traffic I should get minimum 45,000 impressions per day on the blog rush network in the business/ma...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 15 2007

Stop Rushing Me about BlogRush!

All day I have been getting emails about a new system called BlogRush. I have been reading all about this at ShoeMoney, JohnChow, Entrepreneurs Journey, etc. So I decided to go a h...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 15 2007

John Chow Takes Over The ShoeMoney Show

As many of you know I will be at the techcrunch40 conference this next week. This means I will not be able to do a show. I was not able to do a show last week due to webmasterrad...
