Copyblogger · Posted Sep 25 2007

Steal This Copy: Finding Inspiration in the Work of Other Writers

I had the pleasure of attending An Event Apart in Chicago a few weeks ago, for work. AEA is organized by the wonderful people at A List Apart which, if you make or manage websites,...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 25 2007

StumbleUpon Vs Fark Traffic – Sharing Traffic Sources Day 1

Last week I made a post about the evolution of my office over the last several years. It made the front page of fark and also was submitted to Stumble Upon. I figure I would shar...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 25 2007

Turning Your Back on Criticism? Think Again!

Guest Post Through my work, I have come across various marketers whom are supposed to be extremely well versed with the trade. Yet, it baffles me that many professionals are commit...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 24 2007

5 Reasons Why Negative Posts Can Flood Your Blog

The other day I posted about BlogRush and how it will not help smaller blogs. This created a good return in traffic for me, after some press releases and discussions in forums as w...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 24 2007

Pwning Facebook : How To Think Like An Uber Affiliate

This is a guest post by Paul from He shared this story with me privately and after I verified everything he said he was doing I asked him to post a summary for...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 22 2007

Synthasite – Techcrunch40 demo pit

Vinny Lingham was showing off his new pre-beta website Synthasite at Techcrunch40- Vinny was clear it is still pre-beta but if you want you can get a account now. (only 10,0...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 22 2007

One Big Crazy Ass Week

Last Monday I started off with a bang and headed out from Lincoln to the TC 40 conference. I left about 330 AM from my house to get to Omaha for a 6am flight (monday morning flight...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 21 2007

6 Sure-Fire Ways to Know You Are an Entrepreneur

Guest PostThomas Sinfield, is a young entrepreneur that is blogging about his journey through entrepreneurship at his blog He has volunteered to he...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 21 2007 – techcrunch40 demopit

I REALLY like this startup site. There is so much bullshit in profiles on dating sites… this lets people see each other in real time and weed through people until you find a match....
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 20 2007

ShoeMoney Nominated For Blog Awards – Are We Worthy? has been nominated for several awards. Best Blog Ever – which we have no business being in Best Geek Blog Best Podcast Best Business Blog – this is our spot...