Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 28 2007

Ramblings for Today – Vacation is Over

Now that I am in blogging mode I can attempt to catch up with some emails and start posting. I do have some ramblings I want to share and other issues that need to come up in the n...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 28 2007

John Chow Has Nothing on the Menu

John Chow has been putting so many pictures of his dinner platters on his blog. Since I came back from vacation (Panama) and took some food pictures, I decided to put them up as we...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 27 2007

Next Internet Millionaire – Episode 6

Laura is a Crazy Girl! This time I actually like this episode because it was worth watching! They did a challenge outside of the “CommPlex” and had to do some interaction. There we...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 27 2007

5 Tips To Help You Become A Successful Webmaster

Guest Post written by Jeremy Steele. Jeremy has been blogging at Nusuni Dot Com for about a year and often writes about SEO and blogging, as well as the occasional productivity tip...

Copyblogger · Posted Sep 26 2007

Ten Timeless Persuasive Writing Techniques

Want to convince your readers to do something or agree with your point of view? OK, that was a silly question. Of course you do. Persuasion is generally an exercise in creating...

Copyblogger · Posted Sep 26 2007

Landing Page Makeover Clinic #6: EMKPress.com

Although I’ve generally confined myself to reviewing individual landing pages, I thought it might be interesting to take an overall look at a book publisher’s site, with specific f...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 26 2007

Do you use the nofollow tag?

We’re all familiar with the concept of using the nofollow tag for external links, but there aren’t too many people who actually use it for internal links. The main reasons you shou...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 26 2007

Why Should “Blogger” Have a Negative Stigma?

Shoemoney recently mentioned that his blog was nominated for several blog awards. In his post, Shoe said “I never considered myself a blogger and at first and even until a few week...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 26 2007

Digg Vs Stumbleupon – Sharing Traffic Sources Day 2

Last December (9 months ago), after my blog had been hacked by a turkish hacker, I discovered in the logs he had used Google to find the exploit. In the post I also showed exampl...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 26 2007

The Changing SEO Landscape

The following is a guest post by Jeremiah Lewis. He works as an SEO for an internet marketing firm in Los Angeles California. He also maintains Fringe, a blog devoted to writing, f...
