Jason Akatiff · Posted Oct 02 2007

More Advanced Click & Keyword to DirectTrack System Conversion Tracking

If you’re in a highly competitive niche where pay-per-click, clicks cost 2-10$ per click you need to do everything you can to improve the conversion ratio’s of those highly expensi...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 01 2007

ShoeMoney > Britney Spears

Funny linkbait. Im hooked.

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 01 2007

Harder Then Picking Up Strippers In A Strip Club

Thats about how hard it is to make money online with a blog about making money online… I mean I know its the cool thing to do now and stuff but I will be honest with you… if this...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 01 2007

John Chow VS ShoeMoney – Rss Subscription Challenge

About 3 weeks ago I challenged John Chow to a marketing challenge of who could get more subscribers in the month of October. I love marketing challenges and I KNOW John will be a...

Ian Fernando · Posted Oct 01 2007

Starting a Blog? Go Pack for Vacation First

Starting my vacation I had to pack and get ready for my flight to Panama City. I was staying at Panama for 7 days. So I packed comfortably for my vacation. This sounds familiar, st...

Copyblogger · Posted Oct 01 2007

Writing for the Social Media Everyman

Does social media make us dumb? You may have read the study from the Project for Excellence in Journalism and the general reaction to it (the consensus was that social media site...

Copyblogger · Posted Sep 30 2007

40 is the New 20

Yes, it’s sad but true… today is my 40th birthday. The good news is I don’t feel old. And I surely haven’t started acting my age… just ask anyone who has been around me this week...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 29 2007

Back In The USA

Just got home tonight. I have been AFK Since last Sunday and it has been pretty great. Thanks to R Kelley and Neil Patel for guest blogging and John Chow for hosting another gr...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 28 2007

Top Bloggers Advertising Placement

Serverdome recently broke down some of the top blogger blogs and how much of there ads at taking up the real estate. Pretty interesting findings… Check it out here

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 28 2007

Advertise Your RSS on IanFernando.com – A New Innovation

Updated: RSS Space was purchased! One reader from my list has purchased a space, I have advertise the space far cheaper to my subscribers. I also explained if out bought the curren...
