Ian Fernando · Posted Oct 08 2007

A Revolutionary Facelift for Ian Fernando

I would like to take this time to thank Brian Gardner, he has helped me customized the wordpress theme to my liking and needs. The Revolution theme is a wordpress template/theme wh...

Ian Fernando · Posted Oct 08 2007

Interview: A Smart Wealthy Rich Jonathan-C Phillips

I have contacted Jon to help with my blog with a post. He has accepted and now I have the oppurtunity to interview him and his busy life. Jon is the owner of FreelancFolder and Sma...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 08 2007

Rubicon Project – Optimized Advertising For Everyone

Last Thursday I was able to get a sneak peak at a up and coming Advertising solution which is doing a semi-private beta launch today. Its called the Rubicon Project and out of a f...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 07 2007

WordPress 2.3 – The Final Blow To Technorati

A couple weeks ago WordPress released version 2.3. I was hesitant to upgrade at first… like most major upgrades just wanted to let others go at it first and see what they had to...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 07 2007

Time Out For Our Sponsors

Most of the revenue on ShoeMoney.com comes from the following direct advertisers. If you are interested in advertising on shoemoney.com please visit your advertising page for more...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 06 2007

Don’t Make Google Look Stupid – Period

BTW I post a lot of videos on YouTube that I do not post on my blog. If you would like to be notified when new ones are posted you can subscribe to my youtube profile (currently ov...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 05 2007

You Click My Ads – FSF

Lee Dodd from earners forum originally gave me this shirt when we did the elite retreat, San Antionio conference together way back in November of last year. Somehow I lost it and...

Ian Fernando · Posted Oct 05 2007

Text Link Ads – Final Results with Poor ROI

It has now been a month since I purchased a Text Link Ads from 2 websites, for testing purposes. To me I do not think it was worth the purchase. I only purchased 2 TLA from pretty...

Shoemoney · Posted Oct 04 2007

How Respected Are You?

I don’t know if this admission will piss off most of Shoe’s readership, but I’ll do it anyway to make a point. I am not a fan of Family Guy. I largely hate the show–it typically el...

Ian Fernando · Posted Oct 04 2007

SketchCasting – Attempt for Marketing Use?

This is my first attempt at using Sketchcast, I think Video Marketing is way better. As you can see it take me a while to speak and draw at the same time. Also, when I swtiched to...
