Shoemoney · Posted Nov 30 2007

How Pubcon is Like the Kumite

I grew up on the awesomely badness of Jean-Claude Van Damme movies, with Bloodsport being the Citizen Kane of Van Dammery. I’ve seen the movie more times than I’d care to admit, an...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 30 2007

The Myth of the Long Tail and the True Value of Blogging

One of the big buzz posts this week comes from Read/Write Web, and it does a great job of explaining why chasing “long tail” topics as a blogger is a bad move when it comes to maki...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 30 2007

PPC Rumble: Chitika, WidgetBucks, TTZMedia

Ever since the guest post on on driving traffic to your Build a Niche Store, I have been getting emails on other subjects as well. For example users are asking my sta...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 29 2007

Unique Blog Designs At Blogworld

I was holding this video until Unique Blog Designs unveils their new services but its almost pubcon so I thought I would post it Unique blog designs seems to be getting some hat...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 29 2007

7 Warning Signs That You’re Drunk on Your Own Words

This is a guest post from Jon Morrow. Tell me if this sounds familiar. You sit down in the computer for a few minutes, hoping to whip up a quick blog post. Then an idea hits y...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 29 2007

Specialize a Map for Perfection: Think!

I do a lot of blog reading and I came a cross an old article by Steve Pavlina about creating an execution or being organize. Being organized in what you do is a good tactic to appl...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 28 2007

Interview On The Dad Balance

I did a interview earlier this week with Derek Semmler who writes the Dad Balance section for emoms @ home. You can read the interview here if you would like. It contains a lot...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 28 2007

Books That Have Changed My Business(s)

Last july I shared with you some of the books that get me motivated. But did these books really have any sort of business impact? Not really… they more helped me just get a fire u...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 28 2007

Build Some Traffic for Your Build a Niche Store

ShoeMoney: Last week I wrote a post about using BANS to build your own niche store. I received a ton of questions about how to build traffic and many other questions. Ian contact...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 28 2007

5 Improvisational Acting Techniques That Will Make You a Better Blogger

Recently, Brian wrote about the connections between jazz improvisation and blogging. As an improvisational actor, I wanted to offer the readers of Copyblogger insight into 5 techni...