As you know I was in a competition with 4 other bloggers. I just viewed my RSS feed count and I have gained 61 new subscribers. Since rss feeds fluctuate a lot, I might see a decre... been using twitter the last couple days… I am digging it this time around. Michael Gray took me outside @SMX and explained it to me and how he uses it. It was pretty fascin... FYI the show will be changing names again… more so its less “shoemoney” focused… or maybe we will just keep it… i dunno This show was awesome. The complete show was co-hos... Park from Winning the Web is having a crazy contest which I do not even know how he will be able to control. But funny part is Gyutae is a neighboring entrepreneur in my New... are already probably tired of hearing several post or stories about Affiliate Summit West. But since it was my first time I have learned a lot of things. For example today’s po... just got an email a while ago about Build a Niche Store. They recently just came out with version 3.0. A lot of talk has been brewing about on what to expect from BANS and what t... a quick note to let you know I’ll be making my annual pilgrimage to Austin for SXSW. I won’t be presenting (work, ugh), but I would love to meet some of the people I’ve gotten... did a whiteboard with Rand about monetizing sites (blog specific). of all to Sugar Rae. You told me so on the fight. You are the winner. Damn you! <3 Yesterday this blog fell in pagerank from a pr6 to a pr5 despite getting over 20 lin... getting some questions about my robots.txt file and what certain things do. Thankfully some regular expressions are supported in the robots.txt (but not many). $ in regex... © 2024. All rights reserved