Shoemoney · Posted Dec 13 2007

Yahoo Shortcuts & WordPress

Today Yahoo announced Yahoo shortcuts for wordpress blogs. And many good WordPress soldiers are blogging about it today.. Amazing many commercial things are made every day for wo...
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 12 2007

Blogging Can Almost Get you a Free Movie Pass

I was stumbling and it is funny what you can find when you stumble on pages. When I stumble I usually keep stumbling until I find something entertaining or informational to read. W...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 12 2007

Wish Dillsmack luck in the Jeep Ski Cross Alpine Race

Many people dunno this but my partner David Dellanave is a world class skier. He is competing this weekend at Telluride, CO in the Jeep skier cross. Racing against him is like 5...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 12 2007

Who Should I Vote For In 2008

So… here is my voting record so far. 1992 – Ross Perot 1996 – Ross Perot 2000 – George Bush 2004 – George Bush I am pretty unhappy with the last 4 years of Bush’s term. I thin...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 12 2007

Advanced Google Searching

I am a Google search slut and mainly because of the advanced operators you can use to get very accurate results. You can see on Google’s Advanced Search Operators official page a...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 12 2007

What Internet Marketers can learn from U.S. v. Adteractive

This is a guest post by Rob Berkowitz When you generate leads by offering free gifts, the gifts had better be free. That’s the lesson that Internet marketers can learn from Unit...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 12 2007

Master Your Muse and Multiply Your Blogging Effectiveness

Silence. It’s frightening for a writer. Not real silence, of course, but the eerie quiet inside your head, the mysterious absence of words. You think and think and think, but i...
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 11 2007

GeoTargeting – Take a Second Look at Your Traffic

Mark from has posted a great post and video on Geo Targeting and how most bloggers or writers do not talk about them. Now and currently Mark is creating a great program ca...
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 11 2007

I Actually Learned Something in a Meeting: The 4 P’s

So I got out of a meeting, yes I still work …sighs… But the meeting proved to be a very good meeting because out of the ordinary meetings I was actually interested and some what...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 11 2007

Become a Shoeperstar!

Whats up shoeperstar?!? Interested in going to the SXSW conference in Austin, TX? Having all expenses paid (flight,hotel,conference pass) plus $1,000.00 spending money?...