I received an interesting comment the other day via the Affiliate Summit Social Network. One person contacted me and she wanted to know how my trip was and how eager she wanted to...
ianfernando.com/2008/pointing-...Whenever you write anything, you have a desired message to communicate to a desired audience, whether it’s writing an ad to persuade a customer to buy your product or writing a rec...
copyblogger.com/clear-writing/Asshole Ted Murphy kept me out drinking and talking biz until the early am… Then I had to get up at 4:50AM to catch my flight. When I checked into the kiosk my seat said 11b.. Ok...
shoemoney.com/2008/03/11/riddi...So lately I have been checking my stats and I have noticed a big surge of traffic during the ASW convention. Great! One specific stat stuck out to me and it was my about me page. I...
ianfernando.com/2008/what-are-...Have you ever had these thoughts? “I wish my blog had content this good.” “How does he come up with this stuff?” “Boy, I wish I could write like that!” Now for the big qu...
copyblogger.com/think-content-...I did a awesome interview with a person I really admire a lot – Loren Feldman of 1938media.com
shoemoney.com/2008/03/10/inter...This is kind of funny but we have quite a algorythem as to what comments go into que.. what are blacklisted (go straight to trash) and what are always displayed. First of all… if...
shoemoney.com/2008/03/10/shoem...SEO for Firefox – Aaron Walls great extension which shows you every seo statistic within a Google Search. Very usefull. SplitLink Shows the true link behind redirects. Very u...
shoemoney.com/2008/03/10/11-mu...In the March issue of Entrepreneur magazine there is a interesting article called “Google Eyed – Prepare to Fall hard for Google Based OS and the computers that run on it” which ta...
shoemoney.com/2008/03/09/googl...Ever since I left Affiliate Summit West, in Rio, I have kept in touch with a lot of people. This provided me great access to some tips and even some interviews. Today or late last...
ianfernando.com/2008/asking-th...Affdaily.com © 2024. All rights reserved