Jason Akatiff · Posted Dec 14 2007

Update to PPC Click Tracking Script for Yahoo and MSN…

Sorry for the long time between posts. Just things have been very busy lately. Here’s an update to the click tracking code for tracking your conversions to include yahoo and msn pa...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 14 2007

Yahoo Search Marketing – ‘We Know We suck’

Just before Pubcon I got a email from Michelle Nakasone from Yahoo Search Marketing telling me that a big portion of my leads to Yahoo Search Marketing were by stolen credit cards....

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 14 2007

I am Legend opens today!

I am so excited to see this new movie with Will Smith called I Am Legend Big Will is one of my favorite actors and I bet this movie is going to rock. I keep watching the 2nd trai...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 14 2007

Hitflip – Free Shirt Friday

Hitflip.co.uk runs Europe’s biggest P2P swap platform for media products (DVDs, games, CDs, audiobooks, and books). They aim to excite their members by making the swap of media pro...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 14 2007

Chris Hooley and The SEO Rascals

Gang leader of the rascals aka the “Frat Boy” of SEO Chris Hooley and his crew were on these motorized things all over Pubcon: more pics thanks to Dal Rumor has it...

Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 13 2007

Who Said Soda Was a Bad Thing? New Cheat Sheet!

I just want to go ahead and post this video I stumbled on via StumbleUpon. It is amazing what you find via SU. I also wish that I thought of this concept when I was in college, may...

Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 13 2007

EntreCard Definitely EntreSucks: Check Please!

So it has been a little over a week and my conclusion about EntreCard still stands, it is a great concept with poor implementations. I did receive a good amount of traffic from it...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 13 2007

Blog Metrics for wordpress by Joost de Valk

Joost de Valk pinged me this morning about a new plugin he wrote called blog metrics. I really like it. It gives you some great stats about your site. Looking at these stats y...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 13 2007

Business Conference in Las Vegas? Stay at the Renaissance.

In the last year I have gone to 8 different business conferences in Las Vegas. In the last month alone I have spent 12 days in Las Vegas at business conferences (Blogworld and Pub...

Copyblogger · Posted Dec 13 2007

Offers That Increase Profit and Generate Inquiries

This is the final installment of the 58 of the World’s Greatest Offers series from Dean Rieck. In this series we have looked at a variety of offers, including classic response-bo...
