Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 19 2007

Getting Freaking Organized: Part 2

I updated my desk area today and I kinda feel better than my workplace is now better fit for my online business. To my confusion I have found so much junk it I filled 2 trash bags...

Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 19 2007

Interview: Jaime Luchuck is ‘The Next Internet Millionaire’

A while ago, well right after the announcement of the Next Internet Millionaire winner – I went ahead and emailed Jaimie Luchuck if I was able to get an interview with her. I now h...

Copyblogger · Posted Dec 19 2007

Ding Dong, Digg is Dead

At least for Copyblogger, that is. It’s been a good run. From last fall, I’ve grown this blog from 6,000 subscribers to close to 29,000. My strategy for 2007 relied on appealing...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 19 2007

Americans are Fat and Lazy

I was in a cab, in Vegas, a few weeks ago talking to a cab driver from Nigera who had only been in the United States a few Months. I asked him how he liked living in the USA and h...

Copyblogger · Posted Dec 19 2007

Landing Page Makeover Clinic #9: The Four Ps of Podcasting

Today’s makeover is for Scott Whitney’s Four Ps of Podcasting CD. When he first contacted me in October his site was live only a short time, but having taken a fresh look, there’s...

Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 18 2007

It is Time to Get Freaking Organized!

So this month by far has been my best income month in the past couple months of blogging and internet marketing. I have met a lot of new people and learned from a lot of them as we...

Copyblogger · Posted Dec 18 2007

3 Writing Lessons I Learned in Dog Obedience School

If an alien were to look down from outer space and analyze the hierarchy of animals on the earth, who would be at the top: humans or dogs? Think about it. We bathe and groom th...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 18 2007

Dads @Emom, Microsoft Affiliate Program, Ron Paul On Glenn Beck

Emom has a special feature about influential dad bloggers and their families. Microsoft Affiliate Program I got pinged a while back from Microsoft people that they were firing...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 18 2007

What Started The Downfall of Digg

I read about Digg being shopped around on TechCrunch yesterday for 300M. If my math is remotely correct $300mill = $77/registered user? I was kind of surprised then I thought to...

Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 17 2007

Use Excel to Help you with Keywords

Everyday I learn something new – I read Entrepreneur dot com on a daily basis and I found this article with good information. The article is about making these top 11 mistakes, whi...
