Shoemoney · Posted Jan 03 2008

Mclovin Id Maker – Superbad Review

People asked me what I want for xmas and I never know what to say… I always stop buying DVD’s around thanks giving and I just tell people to buy me a DVD of whatever they think I...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 03 2008

Search Marketing Standard Magazine Review

I have had a subscription to Search Marketing Standard for 1 year now. I gotta say not really that impressed. I go from cover to cover in about 3 minutes and most of the news in...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 03 2008

Why Great Copy is a Conversation, Not a Soliloquy

Have you ever been trapped at a party with someone who can’t stop talking about himself? You know the type. He goes on and on about his plans for renovating the guest bedroom, hi...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 03 2008

The Classroom Came to my Door Step

So I ordered The Secret Classroom DVD set, it took about 2 weeks and some days to get to my house. So anyways I got this because this would be far cheaper than going to each one of...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 02 2008

Ian Fernando Writes in 11 Languages

So I recently installed a translate plugin to this blog. All you have to do is click on the translate link above and a drop down will appear showing you the available countries thi...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 02 2008

Matt Mullenweg on No Follow

I love interviewing non SEO, but probably some of the most influential people about no-follow. Without very influential people the whole no follow movement would never work. So I...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 02 2008

ShoeMoney 2008 Plans

I have had a lot of questions about what we are going to do next… whats our next big thing. Well most that know me know I do not like to talk much about “coming soon” I rather jus...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 02 2008

If Content is the New Advertising, What Does Your Advertising Say About You?

So, why do we publish all this online content, anyway? See if this sounds right: You need to attract attention and make people aware of who you are and what you do. You then...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 01 2008

Affiliate Networks Can’t Give Me Reports

It is the first of 2008 and already I am running into problems with one of my goals. One of my goals or resolution is to print out or gather reports about top affiliate campaigns t...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 01 2008

Keyword Conversion: Figure Out Which Works

So my excel video did pretty good that I got emails to help with excel and keyword manipulation. I think I should get a job with the infomercial guy “The Video Professor!” So there...