Shoemoney · Posted Jan 14 2008

Elite Retreat 2008 April 3-4 San Francisco

Its officially open for sign up! The 2008 Elite Retreat will be taking place on April 3-4th and will be one of the first events to take place in the brand new Intercontinental Hote...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 14 2008

Get Out of Your Incestuous Circle Jerk Already

I see blogs… and even businesses that constantly advertise and promote themselves in the same mediums time and time again. You see it in blogs a ton. The same bloggers reach out...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 14 2008

Catching up on Mentions

These are all things I have been wanting to write about but have just been so swamped plus with some hectic RL stuff going on so I wanted to just mention them before I too much t...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 14 2008

Want to Boost Your Writing Productivity? Have a Baby!

As writers, many of us love to create, but not on someone else’s schedule. For me, I get random bursts of inspiration at the strangest hours. Often in the middle of the night I c...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 11 2008

Have You Seen These Newspaper/Magazine Themes

Upon writing up and introducing why I think newspaper and magazine styles will be the year for blogs is because WordPress is so versatile. It is not just a blog platform, which for...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 11 2008

WordPress Hacks Hacking – With Power Comes Responsibility

From some of my posts people might think I am anti-Wordpress… not so… I love WordPress. I really love Akismet.. I think Matt and the boys are building quite a empire. I just li...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 11 2008

YouMail – Free Shirt Friday

YouMail is about reinventing voice mail and making it a fun, powerful personal experience that you’ll absolutely love. This company makes cell phone voice mail completely customiz...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 10 2008

Yahoo Search Marketing: First Time Experience

So Google Adwords seemed to be a little slow for me and I decided to open my mind to other PPC Marketing engines. Yesterday, I decided to go ahead and try Yahoo! SM, Search Marketi...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 10 2008

Are You a Guitar Hero?

My neighbor, and lincoln dentist, Brad invited me over the other night to play some Guitar Hero. I had heard of the game before but …. wow… This game frickin rocks. Do any of yo...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 10 2008

Getting Value Out of Scrapers

How annoying is it when you make a post and 5 other posts rank above yours in the search engines all that have your content wrapped around huge Adsense units. When you goto the si...