Shoemoney · Posted Jan 17 2008

I Liked Your Widget Until I Saw Your Spammy Embeded Links

Checking back links I saw a few sites linking to this widget that shows the readability of your blog. It gives you the score of your blog (on a education level) in a nice little w...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 17 2008

Triggit – The Bloggers New Best Friend

I have been talking to the folks over at Triggit about their new product that is launching today. Its still in early beta but I feel its definitely read to roll. I have been usin...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 16 2008

PPC Marketing with Adsonar: Intro

After experimenting with Yahoo Search Marketing, I went ahead and tried another system called Adsonar. I started this about the same time I started with Y!SM. I found Adsonar by si...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 16 2008

Headed To The Crunchies Awards Show!

I am headed to San Francisco for the 2007 Crunchies! I got a press pass late last week and will be sitting down next to all the winners and best startups of 2007. I am really look...
Shoemoney · Posted Jan 16 2008

Why I do not like 95% of SEO Experts

I claim all the time I am not a SEO and I have never sold SEO services. I always get labeled as a SEO though for some reason. I actually despise being labeled a SEO. Why? SEO’s ar...
AMNavigator · Posted Jan 15 2008

New Book: "Online Shopping Through Consumers' Eyes"

The manuscript and cover images for my newest book have just gone to the printer, and the new book is expected to be published by 22 February 2008. The full name of the volume is “...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 15 2008

The Rumors are True… Elite Retreat in April

So, the word is out. I’ll be one of five hosts at this year’s Elite Retreat in San Francisco on April 3rd and 4th. Here’s who else will be providing unfiltered advice to a small gr...
Copyblogger · Posted Jan 15 2008

One Simple Way to Generate More Comments on Your Blog

“And that,” he wrote, “is that.” Doesn’t much make you want to pitch in with your own views, does it? We all tend to focus on catchy headlines and gripping titles. That split-s...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 15 2008

Monetize Your Build a Niche Store

Build a Niche Store is becoming more popular over the internet and I have seen several so far on the net. Guess what they all look a like and I just go away since I know what it is...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jan 14 2008

The Couch Classroom Part 2: Technical Issues

So I really didn’t get a lot done with my projects and websites. The reason is I have been watching the DVDs from The Secret Classroom by Joel Comm. I have watched a total of 4 DVD...