Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 20 2008

Taking Over Google Content Network

…or trying to. Well now that Affiliate Summit East is over, I have gotten a lot of new ideas and new business ventures I want to dive into. More importantly I want to talk about Go...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 19 2008

Pay Per View Traffic and My First Attempt

So there is a lot of talk about Pay Per View traffic. I went a head and did some test. I wanted to wait for Mark’s test on his bulk traffic, but he has been busy with other things....

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 19 2008

The Top 5 Ways to Keep Your Blog Content Fresh

I think there should be a notice that appears when installing WordPress or setting up your shiny new account with Blogger. It would show up somewhere before you complete the fina...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 19 2008

UberCamp Gets Serious!

Paul just hit me up about his new redesign and concept of his forum, UberCamp – man its uber nice. He redesigned the whole thing and has a great concept beside it. He has split it...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 19 2008

Ses Recaps Day 1-2 Charity IM Party ROCKED!

I am getting a ton of messages from people who want to meet up for dinner or lunch or what not. I am pretty easy to find and I like to just go with the flow of the conference. Du...

Copyblogger · Posted Aug 18 2008

Does Your Website Smell?

Now that’s an odd question, right? We all know that websites don’t smell (at least not literally). But if you’ll bear with me, I’d like to demonstrate the importance of emotion...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 18 2008

What Do You Tip Your Hotel Maid?

Just about to head down to the SES San Jose conference area but left 3$ on my bed for the maid. I remember the first time I found out about tipping maids…. back 4 years ago I kind...

Ian Fernando · Posted Aug 18 2008

Sexy Girls in Marketing Videos: My Stats

Sex sells? Well I did a test with a video and I have posted the results. Well below you will see the results. The purpose of this post and case study is to see if traffic is good f...

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 17 2008

Affiliate Crossfire Panel At Media Breakaway

Here is the video from the Affiliate Crossfire Panel I was on at the CPA Empire Media Breakaway Event:

Shoemoney · Posted Aug 17 2008

Back To San Jose For SES

Its hard to imagine 4 years ago I went to my first search conference called “Search Engine Strategies”. This post will probably make some of you laugh It was my goals in justifyi...
