Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 09 2008

Florida and Big Storms then to Vegas

Tomorrow I will be in Florida attending IZEAFest, a social network conference. But I am hearing a lot about this storms coming up, there is like what 5 of them? With all these damn...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 09 2008

Joel Comm Releases New Book & Sarah Palin Action Figure

Joel Comm last week released a new book about product launches titled Click Here To Order which profiles 4 of the most successful internet marketers of our time. The book’s laun...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 09 2008

How To Get Users To Your Website

Yesterday I talked about how to get sponsors or advertisers for your website/blog. I think I should probably take a step back today and talk about how to get users to your blog in...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 08 2008

Birthday Present: Cash in my Inbox

Yesterday was my birthday! Man I feel super old for some reason. I know that I grew a lot ever since I started online marketing. This morning I checked my PayPal mailbox and found...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 08 2008

What Do You Think Of When You Hear SEO – Twitter Poll

Thought I would ask 5,300 people what is the first thing that pops into their head when they hear the word SEO. Here was their responses Would you like to see more of these typ...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 08 2008

How To Get Advertisers Or Sponsors For Your Website

I have been getting asked lately about how to approach companies for advertising or sponsoring contests.  Almost all inquiries I can respond to easily with several of the following...

AMNavigator · Posted Sep 07 2008

How To Clear Browser's Cookies?

I have started a “How To” section for merchants running affiliate programs at the Affiliate Program Management website. The first question added is the “How To Clear Browser’s Co...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 07 2008

How to Deal with Trolls, Spammers & Sock Puppets

At BlogWorld in a couple weeks in addition to the big money baller panel I am also going to be on the “How to Deal with Trolls, Spammers & Sock Puppets” panel with John Chow an...

Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 06 2008

I Need to Watch My Links BUT YOU Need to Stay Updated!

The other day I talked about Exit Pop-Ups and the reason why they work. Well I had an affiliate link within the post because I trust the product and I use the product myself. The p...

Shoemoney · Posted Sep 06 2008

UFC88 Chuck Liddell Vs Rashad Evans Videos

Very cool card for tonights fights. I like Chuck Liddell over Rashad  and Hammil to Upset Rich Franklin. Fighters.com has credentials for the UFC88 event and have some awesome...
