Shoemoney · Posted Sep 15 2008

What Do You Consider A Successful Blog?

During our Big Money Blogger panel,  a question was asked what was the one key tip to give to a blogger to help them be successful. My answer was just simply to write great conten...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 15 2008

IZEAFest Ends – Florida TakeOver Starts!

Yes I am the boss of Orlando – frig Ricky Ross. Ha. Let me stop. IZEAFest came to an end and I want to thank Ted Murphy for a nice gathering with great speakers and a more intimate...
AMNavigator · Posted Sep 14 2008

Affiliate Books Website

Bought the domain name, and put an affiliate books resource together. Should anyone have suggestions as to what other books I may link to, please shoot them over to me by e-mail....
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 14 2008

Shel Israel Interview

I am pretty honored to be interviewed by Shel Israel: Shel puppet has interviewed a who’s who of internet celebrity’s including Kevin Rose, Mike Arrington, and Jason Calcanis...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 13 2008

Big Money Blogger Q&A at Izeafest Panel

Moderated by Drew Bennett – Stephanie Agresta, John Chow, Neil Patel, and myself were on the Big Money Blogger panel. There were some great questions posed to us:
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 13 2008

BOTW In Talks To Purchase DMOZ Directory From AOL

At SES San Jose a couple weeks ago there were rumors floating around about Best Of The Web purchasing DMOZ from AOL. I am very good friends with the owners of BOTW and when I aske...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 12 2008

Everybody Loves Marla

The final character to get to know in the Lateral Action universe is Marla. Compared with Lou and Jack, she’s like Yoda. Next week we’ll start publishing a lot of foundational te...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 12 2008

SEO ThinkTank Winner

Being I have spent most of the week traveling, filming behind the scenes at Marketleverage, and preparing for one of the most important speeches of my live so far I had to ask to c...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 12 2008

My Izeafest Keynote Speech

I just finished the keynote and its viewable here for those who missed it.  I was really nervous for this.  I have never given a keynote speech before and especially not one kickin...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 12 2008

IZEAFest 1st and 2nd Day PLUS almost Fight at Night

I am currently in Orlando, Florida attending IZEAFest. I actually arrived in Orlando on the 10th to hang out with my cousins and tour Orlando for a bit. The strange thing about Orl...