Shoemoney · Posted Sep 18 2008

My Affiliate Company Is Demanding To Get My Adwords Login

Lots of advertisers have rules about what keywords can’t be bid on via Pay Per Click. Usually they are brands or anything that could be deceptive to the user. For instance biddin...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 17 2008

How to Grow a Blog Post in 7 Easy Steps

My friend Tom thinks I should create a how-to product on “writing for the paralyzed and confused.” He’s a very creative and articulate guy, but writing kills him. Knocking out two...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 17 2008

John Reese Is a Pimp (and a Good Friend)

I was outside doing a interview when my friend John Reese happened to pull up in one of his many exotic sports cars he collects.  Check out how badass this car sounds (let alone lo...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 16 2008

Are You a Writer?

I’m a writer. I spent over three decades unaware of this essential truth, but I’m ready to atone for my ignorance. For some reason, it never mattered that I’d been reading at le...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 16 2008 – Free Shirt Friday

Sorry there was no shirt last friday… we did not have one in queue and was in Orlando at Izeafest. is a really cool blog written by Israel Lagares, and chroni...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 16 2008

Win A Date With Me At BlogWorld Las Vegas!

I know what your thinking… “Why would I want to win a date with ShoeMoney?  Sure he is a great looking guy, but he is married!”. Well its not that kind of date! And besides we...
Shoemoney · Posted Sep 16 2008

What Is A Super Affiliate?

At Izeafest I got a lot of affiliate questions. Lots of them were in the reference of me as a “super affiliate”. I have never really thought of myself as a super affiliate and ha...
Ian Fernando · Posted Sep 16 2008

A Visit to the Market Leverage Office

The first time in Orlando I contacted my cousin to grab me from the airport. I came to the hotel and it was pouring rain. But after the rain I contacted Erick from Market Leverage...
Copyblogger · Posted Sep 15 2008

How to Hit a Copywriting Home Run With Perceptual Contrast

Have you ever watched a baseball player on deck to bat next? You’ll notice that batters often place a weighted ring around the bat while doing warm-up swings. Why? When the playe...
AMNavigator · Posted Sep 15 2008

LinkedIn "Affiliate Program Management" Group

I have started a new group at LinkedIn today – one devoted to affiliate program management, one where affiliate managers (in-house and OPMs) can network, and discuss issues pertain...