Copyblogger · Posted Oct 06 2008

The “What Not to Wear” Guide to Breakthrough Blogging

What in the world does the cheeky cable fashion show What Not to Wear have to do with effective blogging? Have I finally pushed this analogy thing too far? Nope… this one is ea...
Ian Fernando · Posted Oct 06 2008

T3Leads: Using the Power of IFraming

There are a lot of new and upcoming affiliate networks. Some better than other and other way sucky than others. I just came across a new affiliate network that I have been reading...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 06 2008

Website Magazine At Blogworld

Website Magazine is a great industry rag that I am happy to say I will be writing a article called “Anything But Adsense” for the next issue. We had a chance to talk to them at b...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 06 2008

Midwest Unconference – Not Going WTF Is Up ?

I wrote and highly supported the midwest unconference taking place in chicago in a couple weeks… Only problem is nobody there is returning my emails and now I am getting emails fr...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 05 2008

Commentators – Interview From Blogworld

Webpronews interviewed me at blogworld about the Spammers, Trolls, and Sock Puppets panel:
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 05 2008

You Know You Have To Vote, Right?

Dear fellow citizens of the United States Of America who are eligible to vote: I have voted in 4 presidential elections in my life (everyone eligible) and never has it had as muc...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 04 2008

Google Image Search Sponsored Links – TechCrunch

Last May Google announced that it would begin experimenting with display ads on its popular Image Search, which it has largely been unable to monetize – in 2006 the company estimat...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 03 2008

Is Your Blog Ginger or Mary Ann?

It’s a debate as old as the hills. Who’s hotter, Ginger or Mary Ann? It’s pretty clear that the Gilligan’s Island creators thought Ginger had it hands down. A redheaded Marilyn M...
Ian Fernando · Posted Oct 03 2008

New Jersey IANteract and my Facebook Group

This is a well over do post but I have been trying to create a more social community. But with so many ideas in my head and just trying to keep up with my campaigns and testing new...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 03 2008

ThinkTank 08 Teaser Video

I am still catching up from being gone last weekend at the purposeinc ThinkTank 08.  It was a unreal time and I will have a more complete post…. but just to give you a little tease...