AMNavigator · Posted Nov 01 2008

GoldenCAN vs PopShops Article in the Website Magazine

The November 2008 issue of the Website Magazine will have one of my newest articles. The article is entitled A Different Breed of Affiliate Tools: GoldenCAN and PopShops and it is...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 01 2008

LOST Season 5 Promo Video

Where the other LOST fans?!?!? I can’t Frickin Wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 01 2008

November NewsLetter Feedback Pretty Good!

Published the November Newsletter this morning. Pretty good feedback so far: @PreSellPageMan (PresellPageMan) says:@shoemoney really love your Local Affiliate and PPC Guide – gr...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 31 2008

$50.00 FaceBook Coupon Code In November Newsletter

I know I just talked about it the other day about how much work I put into the November Newsletter (goes out tomorrow) but you will not want to miss this one! We do a lot of it wi...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 31 2008

The Ultimate Productivity Toolbox for Writers

You know, a lot of writers and other creative folks don’t spend a lot of time chasing down the latest productivity tools and tips, and with good reason. Most of us are too busy act...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 31 2008

Man Its Going To Be Great

No more worrying about the mortgage payments… No more worrying about putting gas in my car. This whole spread the wealth thing is going to be so awesome!
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 31 2008

Do These 3 Common Copywriting Mistakes Keep Your Readers from Buying?

Congratulations! You’ve built a great blog with high-quality content. You’re getting decent traffic, and your readers might even be using social media tools to recommend your stuff...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 31 2008 – Free Shirt Friday provides Search Engine Optimization, SEO Guides, SEO Marketing”>Search Engine Optimization and internet marketing.  Their headquarters is in Newport, CA. Thanks...
Copyblogger · Posted Oct 30 2008

Does Your Tagline Create Clarity or Mystery?

1,000 songs in your pocket. Sounds great, doesn’t it? You may recognize that marketing message from one of the biggest companies around today. Or you may not. It doesn’t matt...
Shoemoney · Posted Oct 30 2008

Daves Apple MacBook Pro Birthday Cake

My wife had this cake made special for Dillsmack’s Brithday: It was a perfect mirror image of the new Macbook Pro including the status lights! And even taste as good as...