Shoemoney · Posted Nov 05 2008

Google Tells Yahoo To Stick It

After vowing repeatedly to go through with its search advertising deal with Yahoo no matter what the Justice Department does, Google reversed course today and pulled the plug on th...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 05 2008

Re Cap of Ad Tech New York 2008

This is the last conference I am attending. I really want to go to pubcon next week, but I think I will just relax for the time being and start this conference thing again January....
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 05 2008

Marketing Meltdown? It’s Time to Optimize Your Efforts!

Are we having fun yet? I won’t bore you with the usual discussion about the grim state of today’s business economy. You’ve heard enough of it from politicians and pundits alike....
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 04 2008

The Huge Opportunity With Local (Affiliate) Marketing

This was originally the 4th volume of the ShoeMoney Newsletter.  I had some deliverability issues (aweber go figure) and had so many requests to resend that I thought I would just...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 04 2008

Motive Interactive Releases Advent 2.0

Motive Interactive is releasing their new version of their advertising platform called Advent 2.0.  The system was developed to increase advertisers ROI and to maximize publishers...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 04 2008


Image by Hugh.
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 03 2008

10 Ways to Avoid Writing Insecurity

Face it. There are few things as intimidating as the blinding white of a blank page. It makes no difference if it’s an empty sheet lying on our desk, or a blank screen, aiming b...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 03 2008

Where Are All The Black Tech Entrepreneurs?

I know most white tech Bloggers would not touch this question with a ten foot poll but I will give it a shot. Here is the question from last Sundays questions: Lance Bailey asks...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 02 2008

Leaving for Ad:Tech 2008 New York

I will be leaving for Ad: Tech New York and I look forward to meeting new people. I will be in a day early (today) to meetup with some networks and to meet up with past friends. Si...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 02 2008

Ask Questions Round 17

Fire away. I am going to cherry pick a bit more this round. We have had a ton of repetition lately.