Copyblogger · Posted Nov 13 2008

The Matrix Guide to Content Marketing

You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed, and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you just how de...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 12 2008

Twitter Writing Contest 2: Win a MacBook Air for a Clever Haiku

Twitter Writing Contest 2 is now closed. Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry, and winners will be announced Friday, November 21. Back in May, I launched the first ever @cop...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 12 2008

Jim Kukral: Always Fun Marketing

Today I have had the opportunity to talk to Jim Kural about some topics such as social marketing, social equity, branding, and marketing in general. I had interviewed Jim back in t...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 12 2008

WPReviewSite Helps Affiliates Chose the RIGHT Network

After I wrote the post yesterday on wpreviewsite I had a slew of people write in wanting to showcase their review sites.  Ian wrote in about how he is using it on so...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 12 2008

How To Make Money With Blogs – DMA Session

Here is the video from our panel at the Direct Marketers Association conference last month. In the video is Stephan Spencer, Chloe Spencer, Duane Forrester and Steve Spangler....
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 11 2008

Getting Great Quality Scores With Review Sites

When I first started in affiliate marketing I simply dumped a ton of cash on Pay-per-click engines and did pretty well. Well its not so easy anymore. Especially now with pretty...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 10 2008

I am Winning the Web at Rank 57!

I just got an email from Gyutae, who is a good friend of mine who has released a crazy new platform. It is his new IM Top Blogs. Now this is not an ordinary one which just grabs fe...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 10 2008

Using For Market Research

So as new web services come out to help a specific vertical or niche, sometimes you can use it to your advantage – marketing wise. Recently I been using a new site that was recentl...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 10 2008

PurposeINC Hijacks Pubcon This Week

I had zero plans to goto the Webmaster World Pubcon this year (which is this week Nov 11-14). It would have been the first time in 5 years I am not attending. The value of attend...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 10 2008

Social Engineering 4tw

So as I wrote about yesterday I took my wife on a much needed weekend get-a-way to see Madonna on Saturday night. We flew in early Saturday morning, checked in, got into our room...