Shoemoney · Posted Nov 21 2008 – Free Shirt Friday is a residential and commercial real estate investment company.  They offer U.S. Customers and Investors a hassle-free way to buy and sell residential and commer...
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 21 2008

Day Parting: Finding the Best Hour to Sell

As you test new offers and find new networks to join. You come across a good offer and want to test its effectiveness on the internet world. So people just throw up a campaign and...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 21 2008

The Winners of Twitter Writing Contest 2 Are…

The first Twitter writing contest was tough to decide. This one was ridiculously hard. Just shy of 1,000 haiku entries. So many great haikus we could have had at least 20 winners...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 21 2008

How I Hijacked Copyblogger

Okay, maybe it’s nothing quite as glamorous as a hijacking, but I have pulled off a pretty good trick, I think. Two months ago, I started writing a book tied to a training progra...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 20 2008

ShoeMoney Tools New Keyword Tracking Tool

Just debuted the new Keyword Rank Tracking Tool in shoemoney tools: We also hit a pretty big milestone being we sold the 1,000th domain via the domain marketplace. Here are...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 20 2008

If Apple Had A Search Engine

it would look like SearchMe. This week searchme launched their iPhone search application which looks pretty sweet. Check out the vid: If I had a iPhone I would use it
Ian Fernando · Posted Nov 20 2008

Rotate Offers Base on Performance

In the affiliate marketing industry there are a lot of networks promoting similar types of offers. For example ringtones, ringtones are very popular but what offer from what networ...
Copyblogger · Posted Nov 20 2008

The Ramen Noodle Attraction Factor for Easily-Digestable Content

Most of us don’t realize the attraction power of two-minute Ramen noodles. So let me explain… You’re hungry. You boil some water while you desperately tear open the packet....
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 19 2008

InLinks From Text Link Ads – Now Google Compliant?

MediaWhiz today launched Inlinks. Its basically Text-Link-Ads 2.0. On the Advertiser’s – sites looking to pickup links to their product can specify keywords and anchor text th...
Shoemoney · Posted Nov 19 2008

Does Google REALLY Want To Go Down This FTC Route

Every time paid links is brought up Matt Cutts brings up the FTC’s “suggestions” on bloggers disclosing things they have been compensated for. In no where in these “suggestions” d...