Shoemoney · Posted Dec 04 2008

New Lost Season 5 Trailer Out

Getting closer!
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 04 2008

Shorter is Better

I have made this letter longer than usual, only because I have not had time to make it shorter. ~Blaise Pascal (1623-1662). We are inundated with information. People are starved...
AMNavigator · Posted Dec 03 2008

Motivating Affiliates by Threat: Dead-End Strategy

Several times a month an affiliate receives e-mails where merchants are threatening to remove him/her from their affiliate programs if the affiliate does not become “active”. Anoth...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 03 2008

No Recession For Online Marketers That Bring Value

On Monday evidently it was official that we have been in a recession for over a year. Honestly our business has grown enourmously during this time. After talking with other mark...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 03 2008

Intel’s Digital Drag Race Showcases New i7 Chip

Ya… I am a Apple guy but I have always been a HUGE fan of Intel. Through the years I have always been a HUGE advocate of Intel and its all we use to power our servers. And now I...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 03 2008

Will You Be Seth Godin’s Apprentice?

Get this. A little over one month from now, you could be sitting in Seth Godin’s office, working as his apprentice. The Seth Godin. The best-selling author, maybe the most respec...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 03 2008

Cool Stuff for New Bloggers

I’ve noticed a lot of people saying they are new to blogging in the comments lately, so I definitely thought this was worth a mention. Yaro Starak has developed quite a reputation...
Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 02 2008

PPC Bully: The Gangster of Search Marketing

When you do search marketing or PPC marketing it can get very manual. There are just way too many factors to check. When you do search marketing you need to see what keywords are w...
Shoemoney · Posted Dec 02 2008

What Would You Spend $500 At Kmart On?

Disclosure: I received compensation for writing this post. Kmart and Izea are having some fun this holiday season. They choose a few high profile bloggers to write about their...
Copyblogger · Posted Dec 02 2008

Seriously Persuasive Comic Books: 6 Questions for Dan Pink about Johnny Bunko

I’ve been a fan of Daniel Pink since the article “Free Agent Nation” appeared in the 12th issue of Fast Company in December of 1997. Somehow, we ended up chatting over email, which...