Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 08 2008

Talking to the Mob Boss of PPC Bully

The other day I gave an intro about PPC Bully and why it is very beneficial for users to use it. Well I now got a chance to talk to the bully himself and got more in depth about hi...

Copyblogger · Posted Dec 08 2008

The Inigo Montoya Guide to 27 Commonly Misused Words

“You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.” – Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride It may be inconceivable for you to misuse a word, but a quick loo...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 07 2008

Getting Back From Orlando

Just getting back from Orlando where I attended the Izea Board Of Advisers meeting. Also on the Izea Board with me is Chris Brogan, Bryan Clarke, Jim Krukal, Missy Ward, Michael...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 06 2008

What to do with all the free shirts

Last year we gave over 140 shirts to the local shelter. Being they were T-shirts and it was the middle winter they kind of looked at us funny and suggested we take them to Goodwill...

AMNavigator · Posted Dec 05 2008

Affiliate Program Management: Areas of Responsibility

It is not unusual for an online merchant to wonder if they really should have a dedicated affiliate program manager, or if the responsibilities of the affiliate manager can be hand...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 05 2008

Net Atlantic – Free Shirt Friday

NetAtlantic.com is a company that tries to empower individuals, businesses, and non-profit organizations by providing new and enabling technology-based services that help their cli...

Shoemoney · Posted Dec 05 2008

Casino Affiliate Programs Launches HD Episodes

Everyones favorite community for poker and casino news just started doing HD videos wrapping up the news for the week.    I know a lot of poker affiliates are following the legal s...

Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 05 2008

You Have to Have the Hustler Mindset

Yesterday we had our mastermind meetup and it was very informative, a lot of topics spoken and a lot of new things learned. We all drank and ate and discussed strategic plans on at...

Copyblogger · Posted Dec 05 2008

Why You Need to Transform Your Website Into a Story

The role of web writers has changed. Just a few short years ago, the content on most websites was boring and factual, just a profile of monotonous company information. Today, the...

Ian Fernando · Posted Dec 04 2008

Why You Should Have a Meetup

Later today I will be meeting up with our mastermind group and we will be catching up on our marketing aspects. We all share a lot of information with this immediate group which co...
