AMNavigator · Posted May 06 2009

To Coupon Or Not To Coupon?

This is the question which every merchant who gets into affiliate marketing has to answer at some point. I have seen merchants perceive coupons and promos as variables that make on...
Copyblogger · Posted May 06 2009

The Tao of Online Marketing

You say people don’t act on your offer. Yes, but they act as they are. You say you shouldn’t have to appeal to human emotion. Yes, but otherwise nothing gets done. You say...
Shoemoney · Posted May 06 2009

Dear Highly Technically Skilled College Graduate

We have been getting a ton of applications from people who just graduated college and are looking for a job. When they apply they are super cocky and tell you everything you are d...
Shoemoney · Posted May 06 2009

What Is Your Twitter Account Worth?

Serious question. Lets say tomorrow Twitter decides the service is no longer free and you need to pay a monthly fee to continue to use it. Would that be enough to get you to s...
AMNavigator · Posted May 05 2009

7 Common Affiliate Coupon Mistakes Merchants Make

Not too long ago I wrote about the common mistakes merchants make while creating affiliate banners. Today I would like to outline the 7 most common mistakes that merchants make whi...
Copyblogger · Posted May 05 2009

Are the “Proofreading Police” Watching You?

I was driving back from the store the other day when I noticed something. When there’s a police officer on the road, people slow down; they drive the speed limit; they use their tu...
Shoemoney · Posted May 05 2009

33% More Reason Not To Be A Idiot

Couple weeks ago I blogged about how I had missed a pretty huge opportunity in regards to affiliate referral. In the post I showed how I started using Max blog Press Ninja Aff...
Shoemoney · Posted May 05 2009

For Those Who Still Don’t Get Twitter

Its been almost 1 year since the twitter name ShoeMoney was turned over to me and I started using it. Its now the 2nd biggest source of referral traffic to my blog. April Stat...
Ian Fernando · Posted May 05 2009

AdChap, Worst Way to Monetize Social Traffic

Getting traffic is important and the way you get traffic is important. Now what if you start with a new advertising network in hopes to get new traffic and rule over that traffic....
Copyblogger · Posted May 04 2009

Everything You Need to Know About Creating Killer Content in 3 Simple Words

Creating great content is not hard. In fact, it’s quite easy. That is, if you understand three simple words. If you summarized every single book and article written on writing...