Vemma, makers of Verve, the insanely healthy energy, have sent us so much great stuff I decided to bump them up the Free Shirt Friday cue. In addition two about 5 great shirts, we... always forget to mention I’m speaking at a conference until sometime around the day before. To the extent some of you might want to know in advance (can’t imagine why), here’s wh... you’ve seen our thoughts on authority, you know about the benefits of developing yourself as a credible authority online. Respect, trust, business success, traffic, links. All t... is quality rather than quantity that matters. — Seneca “How many affiliates will you recruit for me?” is the question that many merchants believe to be one of the key ones to... continuation of my last two posts, and pondering on some of the comments at, let’s see what parties can benefit from adware pop-ups, and if anyone really gets h... have an unlimited budget for items that give them a positive return. Even in a recession this is true. Unfortunately for SEO’s (Search Engine Optimization Experts) com... it’s impossible to write with a knife? Not at all. You might even say it’s essential. Well, to be more precise, no one actually writes with a knife. But good writers do... have been thinking and discussing the issue of parasitic affiliates a lot over the past 40 hours (since the publication of this post, and the recording of this video), and there... writers don’t seem to know when to shut up. They ramble and pontificate and theorize, seemingly oblivious to the agony it’s causing everyone else. To avoid this awful fate,... it has been a good solid 2 days since I registered and threw up a sponsored ad on Sponsored Tweets. The results were interesting but it wasn’t what i hoped it would be. I will s... © 2024. All rights reserved