Shoemoney · Posted Jun 04 2009

Running My Own Affiliate Network – A Month Later

I have been running The ShoeMoney Affiliate Network almost a month now and its been quite a educational experience. Between all of our products I used to use and spend about $500...
Copyblogger · Posted Jun 04 2009

How to Get a Copyblogger Blog Consultation, Even if You Didn’t Win

So, there’s good news and bad news. The bad news is that if you haven’t heard from me, you didn’t score one of the free blog consultations. The good news is that Brian and I ta...
AMNavigator · Posted Jun 04 2009

Affiliate Marketers are Mostly Hummingbirds

Let’s start with quick definitions first: Lark (aka “morning person”) — individual boosting with energy from early in the morning, and not as productive late in the evening. Ow...
AMNavigator · Posted Jun 03 2009

18 Leadership Principles from Colin Powell

There is an excellent book by Oren Harari, which was recognized as one of the top 10 business books by the American Library Association’s Booklist magazine, and also made the New Y...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 03 2009

ShoeMoneyX Q&A

I have received a ton of douplicate questions about the new FREE  12 week internet marketing program I started last week.    Its been pretty wild and one of the first things I have...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 03 2009

How To Really Piss Off Grammer Nazi’s

Step 1) In your website make a lot of gramatical errors. Step 2) When the Grammar nazi contacts you rub it in there face a bit. Step 3) Post it on your site. For example toda...
Copyblogger · Posted Jun 03 2009

9 Ways People Respond to Online Content

Rajesh Setty has a great guest post over at Lateral Action that could have easily appeared on Copyblogger, so today I’ll send you over there. It’s called 9 Ways People Respond to Y...
AMNavigator · Posted Jun 02 2009

Ways to Increase Affiliate Commission

One of the most effective types of affiliate incentives is commission increase. There are two basic ways merchants increase affiliate commissions: 1. Based on Performance Per...
Ian Fernando · Posted Jun 02 2009

Sometimes Ideas have to Come to an End.

I have a lot of ideas and I know I can get them to work, but sometimes they don’t especially if you put a lot of time and money in it. As you know I released CPA Shuffle, an altern...
Shoemoney · Posted Jun 02 2009

Motive Announces New Contest With Awesome Prizes!

Motive Interactive contacted me today and said they wanted to have a huge contest with the ShoeMoney readers for June!  And instead of just having one way of winning, they said the...